Chela Elliott, LCSW, LAC
Chela is a Colorado Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC), and Clinical Supervisor. She received her Master of Social Work from the University of Nevada Reno in 2017. She is a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional through PESI, Inc. and Evergreen Certifications. Chela is also working toward becoming a DVOMB Full Operating Level Approved Provider who serves men, women, and LGBTQ clients who are mandated to complete domestic violence offender treatment.
Chela serves as a Clinical Supervisor for clinicians in Colorado pursuing licensure and provides clinical consultation for all behavioral health providers. She works with people from all walks of life with many different reasons for seeking help. Chela aims to help you experience life transitions with ease and comfort. She believes that by learning about our thinking and making changes, we can experience peace and joy even during the most difficult situations.
Chela began providing trauma-informed family preservation services in 2006. Since 2009, she has provided clinical services to clients and patients in various settings, including private practice, outpatient SUD treatment, treatment specialty courts, regional hospitals, community mental health, and in-home hospices with end-of-life counseling for patients and their families. Much of her work in these settings has been with teens, young adults, families, and older adults struggling with co-occurring disorders, complex trauma, bereavement, prolonged grief and loss, and post-suicide crisis. She has experience as a Level II outpatient treatment provider for Juvenile and Family Treatment Courts. Chela is specially trained as a Clinical Telemental Health provider in the following treatment interventions: TF-CBT, MI, SFBT, DBT, IFS, Complicated Grief Therapy, CAMS framework (suicide treatment), and Domestic Violence Offender Treatment. Her therapist role is to take a holistic approach to addressing your emotional, physical, social, and spiritual well-being. Using this integrative technique often leads to making referrals to community-based services and other resources.
Chela often uses a trauma-informed integrative approach. She urges you to bring all parts of your personality and emotions into session. Keep the focus on yourself, forge an authentic connection, be very curious and don't judge yourself, take responsibility for your behavior, use sessions to identify themes and patterns, continue your work outside of session, and use challenges as opportunities for growth. A holistic approach is essential for lasting recovery. Become aware, accept your value, redefine roles, and take action. Chela collaborates with you as you begin to pursue your recovery journey. Explore your life experiences and identify your strengths. A treatment plan is developed to help guide what we expect to see as a result of the healing process. Positive changes are evident when you engage and make decisions to improve your life experience.
Chela enjoys spending time in the mountains doing hiking, camping, quad riding, retreats, and music festivals. She also loves serving as a National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) volunteer and teacher and leading in-person and online recovery meetings and support groups. She lives between two states, Colorado and Nevada, travels often to spend time with family, and values most her role as an Auntie!
Chela is a member of Soroptimist International, the American Association for Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work (AAPCSW), the Colorado Society for Clinical Social Work (CSCSW), the National Association for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC), Nevada Coalition for Suicide Prevention, American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, and National Association of Social Workers.
Chela offers group and individual treatment, clinical supervision, and case consultation via the HIPAA-compliant platform every Tuesday through Friday. She is currently accepting new clients and supervisees via telehealth.